coffee shop - Menianu

Trusted by the Leading Businesses Around the World

Keep your customers happy at your coffee shop

Include images of your hot & cold beverages and delicious snacks. Add detailed product descriptions to describe your items. Customer satisfaction in your coffee shop is increased by eliminating errors in communication.
• The need for service personnel is decreased in the long run,
• Increasing efficiency in staffing
• Receive more tips from happy customers

Edit your menu at your coffee shop instantly

With FineDine, you can fully control and edit your menu anytime. You can make quick changes to your menu, add or remove items, and include daily specials or promotions like “Buy One Get One Free” with one click. Your menu will be updated automatically across your coffee shop, website, and social media.


Avoid queues at your cafe

Avoid the lines at your shop and focus on brewing your coffee. Integrate your POS with FineDine so guests can order from their seats with the FineDine QR or Tablet menu. The orders will directly go to FineDine’s panel and your POS. As a result, you can focus on your core business: roasting beans and brewing coffees!
Shorten wait times
Reduced time spent to pay
Efficient operations

Increase your sales at your coffee shop up to 15%

While your guests work or study at your coffee shop, they may not want to leave their seats to place their orders. As a result, they order less. With FineDine order module, coffee shops can receive orders from their customers anytime, anywhere. As a result, their sales will increase up to %15.

Easy to use, easy to learn

FineDine allows coffee shops of all sizes to digitize their menus easily. Our QR and Tablet Menu solutions are easy to implement, use and learn. As a result, your baristas will not spend too much time learning how to use the product and continue to prepare brew coffees.

Track your sales and understand your customer

With the help of FineDine, you can understand your customers better. You can track which beverage or snack sells the most. Understanding the purchasing patterns of your customers at your coffee shop is the key to maximize profit.

Find which items provide the highest margin
Understand and analyze view/sales data
Compare beverage and snack sales periodically

Ready to earn more?

Get started for free, no credit card required.